Give a Gift

Anyone can contribute to an ABLEnow account

Make your contribution online or by mail, then select and print a gift certificate to share the good news!

With a contribution to an ABLEnow account, family and friends can provide financial assistance without endangering an Account Owner’s eligibility for certain means-tested disability benefits.

Make an Online Contribution

A bank transfer (sometimes called an electronic funds transfer) is an easy way to send a gift contribution to someone’s ABLEnow account. To make a bank transfer, log into your bank account and follow the bank’s instructions to transfer funds to an external account. You’ll be asked to provide the ABLEnow account number and ABLEnow routing number (052102215) with the amount that you’d like to transfer.

Generally, funds contributed by bank transfer will be available in an ABLEnow account five (5) business days after the day you initiate the transfer.

Make a Contribution by Mail

To make a gift contribution to an ABLEnow account by check, write your check payable to: PNC Bank FBO (ABLEnow account owner or their Authorized Representative’s name and ABLEnow account number). Mail each check with a completed Contribution Form, following the instructions on the form.

Generally, funds contributed by check will be available in an ABLEnow account one (1) business day after ABLEnow receives the check and Contribution Form.

Contribution Certificates

Make a contribution to someone’s ABLEnow account online or by mail, then select a printable gift certificate to share the good news!

Give a Gift FAQs

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