Direct Deposit Social Security Payments Deposit Social Security Administration (SSA) benefit payments directly into your ABLEnow account. Follow these instructions for establishing a direct deposit. In 2020, the SSA clarified that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit payments may be direct deposited into an ABLE account. The official guidance is available in section B(1) of the SSA’s Program Operations Manual System (POMS) GN 02402.030 Acceptable Types of Financial Institutions and Accounts. ABLE accounts are listed with the other types of acceptable accounts, including checking, savings and trust accounts. Please note that you cannot direct deposit your SSI or SSDI benefit payment in an ABLE account if you have a Representative Payee. More guidance regarding Representative Payees is available in the SSA’s POMS GN 02402.055 Direct Deposit for Representative Payee Cases. If you prefer to have your SSA benefits payments direct deposited into another bank account, you have the option to move funds into your ABLEnow account at any time. Establish a one-time or reoccurring contribution from a linked bank account from the ABLEnow online portal. Direct deposit is a convenient way to grow your ABLEnow savings over time. For questions, please contact Customer Service.
February 2025 Countdown to Expanded ABLE Eligibility If you’ve been ineligible for an ABLEnow account due to age restrictions, now is the time to prepare.
February 2025 Your Tax Refund Can Equal Savings Transform your tax refund into an ABLEnow contribution.
January 2025 ABLEnow Form Updates ABLEnow has streamlined some popular forms based on customer feedback.