Celebrate National ABLE Savings Day ABLE accounts are a valuable financial tool for people living with disabilities. To highlight the importance of these unique accounts, ABLEnow joins other advocates and program administrators to mark the first annual ABLE Savings Day on August 14, 2024. ABLEnow accounts give eligible individuals the opportunity to save for the future, while protecting eligibility for certain public benefits. ABLEnow can change the way people with disabilities participate in the community, build financial wellness and plan for the future. If you know a person living with disabilities who may be eligible, tell them about ABLEnow. Spread the word! Organizations and agencies can spotlight financial tools and host events to educate the public about ABLE accounts, and the ABLEnow program. Register for an upcoming webinar or invite ABLEnow to present to your group. Additional ABLE Savings Day resources are available through the National Association of State Treasurers.
February 2025 Countdown to Expanded ABLE Eligibility If you’ve been ineligible for an ABLEnow account due to age restrictions, now is the time to prepare.
February 2025 Your Tax Refund Can Equal Savings Transform your tax refund into an ABLEnow contribution.
January 2025 ABLE Account Rules to Know Important rules and requirements associated with all ABLE programs, including ABLEnow.