ABLEnow Form Updates ABLEnow has streamlined some popular forms based on customer feedback, making it easier than ever to manage your ABLEnow account. ABLEnow forms are available at or from you online account portal (Tools & Support > Forms). Contributions Use the updated Contribution Form to make either a standard contribution or your ABLE to Work contribution. Employers do not need to complete or sign this form. Transfers & Rollovers Separate forms are now available for moving funds into an ABLEnow account from another ABLE program or a 529 program. Here’s how to choose the right form: Use the Incoming Program-to-Program Transfer Forms to transfer funds directly from another program. Separate forms are available for ABLE and 529 transfers. Use the Incoming Rollover (Indirect) Form when the funds aren’t coming directly from the other program. An indirect rollover occurs when you close a 529 or ABLE account, receive the funds, and would like to deposit them into an ABLEnow account within 60 days of the withdrawal. Distributions To withdraw money from your account or to roll over funds to another ABLE program, use the Distribution Form. If you wish to take a final distribution and close your ABLEnow account, use the Account Closure Form. ABLEnow forms can be downloaded from or from you online account portal (Tools & Support > Forms).
March 2025 Americans with Disabilities Can Save and Invest Read what this Associated Press article says about ABLE accounts.
February 2025 Countdown to Expanded ABLE Eligibility If you’ve been ineligible for an ABLEnow account due to age restrictions, now is the time to prepare.